What Every Real Estate Agent Needs to Know Before Putting Another Post on Social Media

Outsourcing your social media to an auto posting service or autobot, general social media servicing companies can be very risky. Agents can be at risk of thousands of dollars in fines and license risks.

Outsourcing your social media to a general company not trained and well versed in the Real Estate industry comes with very high risks.

You should ask your social media manager if they know these things. I have document stories of agents how have been fined because their competitors took a snapshot of their Facebook page and turned it in for non-compliance.

Watch this video then take a look at this list of things your social media manager should know.


Shelley Costello

#1 Amazon International Best-Selling Author

Fox News Social Media Strategist

Professional Social Media Strategist and Manager

(407) 840-5763

CEO / President Creative Web Concepts USA
