The Power of Email Marketing For Real Estate

Over the past year more marketers have given up on list building and digital email marketing. Electronic email marketing is not dead.

“The number of email users in the US was projected to grow to 244.5 million by the end of 2017, and 254.7 million by 2020. Nearly 105 billion emails are sent each day; this number is expected to reach 246 billion before 2020. The use of emoji in email marketing messages increased 775% from 2015 to 2016.” 


Constant Contact – “Did you know that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect a return of $38? Learn nine more eye-opening email marketing stats here.”


According to Campaign Monitor they found an average open rate of 17.92%. We are currently seeing an average of 31% open rate wiht our clients.


Here are 3 tips for successful digital marketing campaigns.

  1. Find more creative nontraditional ways to increase contacts on your list. Be careful with list building advertisements and services that offer lists. Because of CAN laws email providers will notify a user and refuse to use addresses that are overused or not usable. Seek creative ways to grow your list. Create a landing page and make an offering in exchange for contact. Make sure you scrub your list and know where you obtained your list if they are not your contacts.
  2. Give your readers and contacts interesting and great content to keep them opening and reading your campaigns.  You may find that they will share your campaign to others and that can grow your database.
  3. Depending on your digital email provider incorporating video can increase open rate and sharing.