Publishing Packages

Professional Book Publishing

Please note: Prices may vary depending on a lot of factors. Using images, manuscript issues, add ons, and more.

 Always contact us for a consultation to get your final contract price.

Every author inquiring is required to complete this Author’s information form. (click)

Our Publishing Process

Manuscript Submission
Submit your edited manuscript to begin the publishing process. We’ll review and provide a custom quote based on your book’s needs.

Book Production
Our team handles formatting, cover design, ISBN assignment, and more to prepare your book for publication.

We publish your book on major platforms like Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, and more, making it available to readers worldwide.

Amazon Kindle Best Selling Author (Package sold separately, not included in publishing packages listed below)

I Help Authors Get More Prestige by Becoming an Amazon Best Selling Author and obtain the Sought-After Gold Seal

Now, whether you’re a writer, consultant, coach, speaker, entrepreneur, executive, or information marketer, you can get your book on Amazon’s top 10 best-seller list, and even #1 International Best-Seller this year….

I Will Help You Become a Bestselling Author on Amazon platform.

We Will Help You Complete and Edit Your Book and Launch Your Book to Bestseller Status, Give You Credibility as an Expert so You Can Attract New Clients and Make More Money


Imagine the Possibilities and Prestige of Becoming a Best-Selling Author!

There’s a big difference between being an author and being a bestselling author. Whether you are a business owner, a speaker, or a full-time author, being able to call yourself a bestseller dramatically increases your credibility. But what does that really mean?

We will take your edited manuscript and help you put it on Amazon.

We will put it on Amazon on your KDP account and set you up to collect royalties, set best seller categories and more. We will put you into our Best-Seller marketing program and help you build your Amazon Author Central Page

What we do: We work with the author. We build the secret sauce branding package for social media campaign and your email campaigns during your launch window.

We provide text, posts, copy, blog posts, tweets etc. and we create THE BIGGEST BUZ in the world. We know what it takes to get a Kindle Gold Seal.

Our Timeline: Your launch takes 4 weeks. We have a consultation and explain exactly what the author needs to do for participation.



The prices listed below may vary based on page count, images, special requests, etc. 

To receive a final book quote  the Author’s information sheet must be completed and the author must schedule a Zoom interview with publisher.

Pre-press services available.

Click here to complete the Author’s Information Sheet.

You may choose to print your book under your own business name or imprint, or you may publish under our imprint. Having your own barcode and ISBN numbers. In the packages below we have included all 10 ISBN numbers that you will need for each product: Paperback, eBook, Audio book, Hard cover, etc.

Each item published will require a separate ISBN and we block put a group of ISBNs for your publishing account.

Beginner Writer’s Plan $1,695

Beginner Writer’s Plan Up to 125 Pages

We complete publish your Book on Amazon.

We submit your book for Barnes and Noble Nook eBook & Distribution.         

We prepare your book For our #1 Best Seller program. (Sold Separately) Kindle eBook formatting 
Best Sellers program Not included

This price is for the submission of a fully edited manuscript ready to go to print.
If your book is over 125 pages contact us for a quote.
Plan Price (20-125 pgs) $1,695.00
Personal one on one book coaching, publishing and marketing by Shelley Costello
Paperback Set-up 
Custom Cover
Press Releases 0
Copy Editing Not included
Black and White Interior Photos – unlimited
Paperback Trim Sizes Available
5×8, 5.5×8.5 or 6×9

All author royalties paid through Amazon.

Aspiring Author Plan $2000.00

Aspiring Author Plan $2,000.00

We complete publish your Book on Amazon.

We submit your book for Barnes and Noble Nook eBook & Distribution.                    

We prepare your book For our #1 Best Seller program. (Sold Separately)

Best Seller program (Not Included)
This plan is our most popular service and is for those who do not want to make a heavy investment into self-publishing.
Plan Price (126-200) $2,000.00
Access and personal one on one book coaching, publishing and marketing by Shelley Costello Kindle eBook formatting
Barnes and Noble Nook eBook & Distribution 
Paperback Set-up 
Custom Cover
Complete Distribution
Press Releases 1
Copy Editing Not included
Black and White Interior Photos – unlimited
Paperback Trim Sizes Available
5×8, 5.5×8.5 or 6×9
Book video trailer, uploaded to your YouTube and optimized for Google with 300 word SEO description.
This plan comes with an author’s webpage (single page)

All author royalties paid through Amazon

Professional Author Plan $2,795

Professional Author $2,795

We complete publish your Book on Amazon, Google Books and Google Play.

We submit your book for Barnes and Noble Nook eBook & Distribution.                    

We prepare your book For our #1 Best Seller program. (Sold Separately)

Best Seller program (Not Included)

This plan is for books between 201-275  pages. 
If your book is over 250 pages, contact us here for a quote.
Plan Price (201-250 pgs) Kindle eBook formatting Paperback Set-up 
Custom Cover
Press Releases 2
Copy Editing Not included
Black and White Interior Photos – unlimited
Paperback Trim Sizes Available
5×8, 5.5×8.5 or 6×9
With this plan you receive an official Author’s 3 page website.
With this plan you receive pre Kindle launch coaching and marketing and pre Kindle launch.
Book video trailer, uploaded to your YouTube and optimized for Google with 300 word SEO description.

 All author royalties paid through Amazon.

Click image below to go to YouTube to see Bree Goldstein’s video testimonial

How Do I Get Started? Fill out our Author information Google Form.

Click here to access document

Once I review your form  I will make contact with you within 24 hours.

Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Shelley Costello
#1 Amazon International Best-Selling Author
Fox News Social Media Strategist

Professional Social Media Strategist and Manager
(407) 308-0184
CEO / President Creative Web Concepts USA

SKYPE ID:  shelley.costello
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