Important Social Media Stats You Need To Know For 2017


I search the Internet daily for stats, numbers, trends and news for reporting to major news outlets and news bloggers.

Here are my Top 15 Social Media Stats. I stay up to date as possible. These numbers are to the first quarter of 2017.

I will update again June 1, 2017.

1. The half-life for a tweet is only about 24 minutes. For a Facebook post, 90 minutes

2. 75% of male internet users are on Facebook as well as 83% of female internet users.

3. Facebook has 1.6 billion daily visitors,

4. Almost 80% of time spent on social media platforms happens on mobile.

5. 93% of Pinterest users use the platform to plan or make purchases.

6. On LinkedIn, 98% of posts with images receive more comments and posts with links have a 200% higher engagement rate.

7. There are about 81 million fake Facebook accounts and about 5% of twitter accounts are bogus.

8. 100 million hours of video content are watched on Facebook daily.

9. Blogging continues to grow, with over 409 million people viewing more than 23.6 billion pages each month on WordPress alone.

10. Pizza is the most widely instagrammed food, directly ahead of steak and sushi

11. There are more than 50 million businesses using a Facebook Business Page.

12. Mobile accounts for nearly 80% of time spent on social media networks.