Guaranteed TV Major Network Appearance Tour

Guaranteed TV Major 11 Network Appearance Tour. Over 80 Networks

Morning Show Interviews 




TV Appearance National Tampa  (11 market) Tour

Circulated for broadcast to 80 markets nationally

NBC Daytime – National Exposure- 4-5 minutes interview aires in 80 additional markets
NBC Bloom – National Exposure – 4-5 minutes interview airs in 80 additional markets
ABC Morning Blend – 11th Market – 4-5 minutes interview
CBS Great Day Live – 11th Market – 3 -4 minutes interview
CW-South Florida Live -16th Market-3-5 minutes interview

The Tampa Tour is a benefit tour that includes all major media NBC, CBS and ABC with national exposure via NBC’s Daytime and BLOOM, which provides additional media including CW and Fox.

Each appearance will include:

1. Media Training prior to interviews
2. Segment Proposal  to create evergreen video for use
3. Photos and graphics for TV
4. Photos taken on day of interviews at each interview (5)
5. Social Media from each stations
6. Copy of produced Video Segment in MP4 Form for your use
7. 5 Press Releases with video embed to promote teach TV segment to more than 200 additional media markets
8. All rights to use for commercial purposes
9. All In-studio production
10. Travel to studio and accommodations is NOT included.

Shelley Costello and her Tampa media team will meet you at the first station. We ask that you fly to Tampa, Florida the evening before your big TV day and be ready for the morning. We will provide you with the location to order an Uber for transportation.

Shelley Costello’s media team will meet you and capture tons of photos/videos for you of your start in the green room, on the set, with the show hosts, etc.

This is an exciting opportunity.

The investment for two national shows and two 11th market video interviews plus one 16th market program with broadcast is:



Please let me know how I can serve you further.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Shelley Costello
#1 Amazon International Best-Selling Author
Fox News Social Media Strategist
Professional Social Media Strategist and Manager
(407) 308-0184