Fall- Holiday Marketing Campaign For Women Entrepreneurs

holiday womanSeptember has arrived which means fall is upon us. One of the biggest mistakes women entrepreneurs make is that they start too late preparing marketing campaign for the Christmas holidays. By the time September rolls around most retailers and online businesses are ready to capture online holiday traffic.

It is important to start early, have your campaign ideas ready and have your launch date set. From September through December entrepreneurs cannot afford to be lazy in their social media activities.  An effective holiday online campaign requires creativity, consistency and content production and connection with online audiences.

Successful businesswomen and entrepreneurs generate more revenue during the holiday shopping seasons online by enlisting the help of a virtual assistant or social media marketer partner. With the daily operations of running your business during the holidays, keeping up with family and children, holiday shopping, holiday parties and events, home decorating, food preparation for family gatherings and more…. These can  often take away the time that needs to be spent on your social media holiday campaign.

We have a special business package for September through December, a three-month marketing package for the holidays for all women entrepreneurs.

Your social media package includes:

1. Professional creation of branded images, videos and visual digital material for social media distribution on all channels.

2. Educating ourselves on your product, company or brand so that we may properly and effectively market your products and website to social media audiences.

3. Each month for the three months we will create your digital newsletter or marketing flyer and send it to your contact base.

4. During the three months you will receive our complete business builders social media package which includes:
daily posting and marketing on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Google plus. (Here are the details in the social media portion of your marketing package)


  • Profile Setup & Optimization
  • Custom graphics timeline design
  • Strategy Development
  • Facebook Content Research & Development
  • Daily posting to ALL of your social media channels
  • We post 2-5 times per day , 6 days a week.


  • Twitter – custom graphics timeline design
  • Twitter – posts per day including community niche groups- 100 Hashtags monthly
  • Twitter ReTweets 2-5 per day
  • Twitter Follows to Niche 5 per day
  • Twitter 3 Favorites per day (We Reply thank you for following and mentions)


  • LinkedIn 2-3 posts per day / Company page set up
  • LinkedIn 3 group join per week until limit is reached
  • LinkedIn 5 group posts per day 5 Profile posts per day
  • CONNECTIONS- 15 new connections per month, 15 connection invitations monthly, 15 posts likes per week, 20 specific niche criteria searches per week and searches saved in CSV file


  • Pinterest 20 Pins/Repins per week (Including listings community items,25 hashtags weekly)
  • Your product or service 10 with back links to point of sale and high SEO hashtags.
  • Pinterest 5 follows per day
  • 15 Geographical Repins weekly
  • 10 Infographic Pins weekly.


  • 1 unique relevant niche specific articles written and posted per month.
  • I Whiteboard or animated video
  • 5 Graphic designed images of your product or service with branded logos and lettering for visual marketing.

5. A weekly personal consultation with our creative marketing team to make sure we are doing the best job possible to market you online.

This entire package is vital for your success during the next three months to cash in on the holiday season. Perhaps just one sale could pay for your marketing assistant to help you on social media.

Get this entire package now for a limited time only $149 a month

Sign up now and then click to download the information sheet below. Once we receive your payment and information sheet you will be notified within 24 hours to set your personal consultation. This is a vision session so we can accurately get a vision of your entire holiday ideas and promotion to effectively market you online.

Shelley Costello

By clicking this subscribe link you are signing up for three months of the services described above. This will be an automatic payment for only three months and no more.

Entire package only $149.00 per month!

No contracts. Why so cheap?

Simple! Luckily, years of working on a quest for lean production and experience in engineering marketing means that all of the services and processes are streamlined, efficient and effective. This keeps costs low for you guys but it also keeps your time commitment to a minimum. We think this is the ULTIMATE WIN WIN!

We work on your existing platforms. All of your platforms are secure with us.
You may post as much or as little as you wish anytime you wish.
We keep a BIG brand presence online and enhance engagement, followers growing your fan base and customer base.

Please click this link and download and complete the Vision Information Sheet.  Once completed please email to admin@innovativemediastrategies.com