Facebook News Feed For Optimal Organic Reach

Facebook News Feed For Optimal Organic Reach

These changes may affect your groups and business pages.

Below is a summary of the most recent changes

Update by Shelley Costello

Fox News Social Media Strategist

#1 Amazon International Best-Selling Author
Professional Social Media Strategist and Manager



1. Keep people on Facebook, Not too many external links outbound.

2. Engagement baiting. Asking people in typed status to Like, Share, Comment, tag, etc. Facebook says their AI (artificial intelligence) will scan the audio in videos and if you are asking people to engage in video or Podcast they will demote your page. (Facebook Newsroom policy) https://revive.social/facebook-engagement-bait/

If users verbally ask in videos for viewers to like, share, comment or tag will also be demoted. Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence will now scan videos and audio content and detect verbal engagement baiting.  (https://about.fb.com/news/2017/12/news-feed-fyi-fighting-engagement-bait-on-facebook/)

3. Link baiting. Pages that post photos and status telling people they are going to a specific place and when someone clicks a link it takes them to a sales page. https://about.fb.com/news/2014/08/news-feed-fyi-click-baiting/

4. Video gets pages into the organic reach. Pages that do not use video overall will gradually decline to almost no reach.

5. Pages that have a long history of no reach or engagement will see the trend continue.

6. YouTube. If you are going to share a YouTube video, post a status and leave the typed link in the status, then post the thumbnail as a photo. Do not allow the YouTube link to pop up and preview. FB does not want users to send people to YouTube. They can flag it when the YouTube link had previewed and pops up.

7. Using any clip or portion of a video that was taken from any source. (YouTube). If you get a video owned by another person and clip apart and insert it into your video, FB can track that. Using or taking content Facebook’s AI (Artificial Intelligence) knows and flags content that is stolen, reused, or distributed across the web. FB can detect videos, images, blogs, music, and other content that belongs to someone else. Not only is it against the law to reuse the content in any form, but this will also significantly reduce the organic reach of your page. People who think it is ok or don’t know the language think they can say it is for education or common license or some other reason that will get them off the hook. Nothing can be farther from the truth. The fact is, don’t ever use or continue to use other people’s content.

8. Must have video. the number one source of content to get the highest organic reach is LIVE episodic. I have my client’s stream live through my broadcaster twice a week sharing their biz or tips just to keep episodes regular.

9. Regular video uploads natively. In fact, everything you post should be natively. This means upload directly into FB without a link or 3rd party. It is a good idea to post everything natively on Facebook directly and not use posting Apps or schedulers. There is a lot of opinion and controversy about this, but it is best not to use any 3rd party App, posting tool, scheduler, or auto poster going into FB.

10. Drip! Now Facebook will measure organic reach by putting out your post and see if it gets any engagement quickly. If it sits for hours with nothing it will start to fade in the feed. Have you noticed when a post gets momentum it keeps going and keeps appearing in the feed? That’s what is happening with my clients.

11. Do not continue sharing other stuff. Do not continue using your old repurposed content. Make it new and fresh. Facebook can tell if you are using the same content and you keep sharing content to your page. Pages should post more original user content instead of repurposed content or other people’s content. 


Beat the page demotions by feeding the fire that gets your post in the feed.

Did you know? Adding a video to your landing page can boost conversion rates by 80%! And, including the word ‘video’ in your email subject line can boost open rates by 19%, click-through rates by 65%, and reduce unsubscribes by 26%. MARI SMITH

Pages that will get prominence in the feed will be pages with episodic live streaming or spontaneous live streaming.

Pages that natively upload everything. Pages that upload videos longer than minutes. Episodic Lives Streams lasting 10 minutes or more will be pushed out into the feed.

Contact me if you would like me to come to your company and present training on Facebook Pages.

#1 Amazon International Best-Selling Author
Fox News Social Media Strategist
Professional Social Media Strategist and Manager
(407) 308-0184

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