Your Social Media Poster Could be Violating Real Estate Policies. 5 Things They Need to Know


Real Estate Social Media Compliance is extremely important. Inexperienced social media posters can land a real estate agent in legal trouble. 

Many real estate agents are using social networking websites to notify their “friends” and “followers” of property listings. Using an inexperienced person to post on your social media could get an agent in trouble by violating state law and National advertising policies without knowing it.

A Real Estate agent or Broker could be fined and get into serious legal trouble for mindless or carless social media advertising.

When a real estate agent hires a social media manager, they should interview them very carefully.

Here are 5 things to make sure they understand.

  1. They have your livelihood, future and business in their hands. Violations of policies can result in large fines and license problems.
  2. They must know how to write posts and copy in Trademark writing. 
  3. They must have a clear understand of Government acronyms representing codes and associations.
  4. They must understand usage of Federal logos and when they need to be used for compliance.
  5. They must understand real estate listings, sold, pending, under contract, coming soon and the MLS.

These are 5 of about 100 important things a real estate social media manager needs to know.