LinkedIn Platform Images Sizing Chart

The HORIZONTAL LOGO is the standard logo for your company page and will be visible at the top of your LinkedIn page, to the left of your company name. The logo measures 100 x 60 pixels. If you upload a larger size image, it will be resized to fit.

The SQUARE LOGO is your standard logo used on your network updates. It will be displayed as 50 x 50 pixels and will be automatically resized to fit these dimensions.

The BANNER IMAGE, or cover photo is situated under the horizontal logo on your main company page. Last year LinkedIn updated their company pages layout to include a larger banner image measuring 646 x 220 pixels. Take advantage of this image space to showcase your product/service offerings.

SHARED LINK on your profile page will be displayed as 180 x 110 pixels. You are allowed up to 240 characters of text when updating your status.

The COMPANY COMMENT LOGO will appear when you like or comment on updates on your company page. This image will be displayed as 30 x 30 pixels.

The CAREERS section of LinkedIn Company Pages enables companies to post current job openings. You can upload a cover photo measuring 974 x 238 pixels.

Note: To post jobs in the Careers Section of your company page you must have a paid LinkedIn subscription (starting at $26 a month).

The PRODUCTS & SERVICES tab on your company page tells users what you’re company is selling. The banner image measures 646 x 220 pixels.

The PRODUCTS thumbnail images are displayed at 100 x 80 pixels. You have up to 100 characters for your product (or service) title and 1,000 characters to tell users more about it.

Hint: Depending on your product size, you should add only your most popular items. You can include a link to your website for more product information.

There you have it – all of the proper LinkedIn image sizes & dimensions, all in one place for your convenience.
