Great Backlink Tactics For Realtors To Get Google Page One



Over the past 10 years Creative Web Concepts USA has been successful in getting Google page one listings for Realtors nationwide. We use a lot of great strategies, all of which are very savvy and bring top listing results.

Recently I stumbled upon this blog post article from Inman and wanted to share it because one of our trade secrets are in their article on strategy.

We always try to partner an event or our company with charity. The truth is 50% of every dollar that comes into Creative Web Concepts USA goes to fund a 501c3 nonprofit. We have partnered with big names on events. Names like Extreme makeover with Ty Pennington and more.

We thought we would share these 5 easy backlink tactics for Realtors to help boost your Google rankings through backlinks. Done right is it s powerful strategy. We use this in our social media marketing service for Realtors. See this package here.


Read the Inman Blog Post By Clicking  Below


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