9 Must-Know Best Practices for Distributing Your Nonprofit’s Content on Social Networks

Content-Distribution-Facebook-300x300The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits.

The Internet is at a tipping point. It’s estimated that by late 2014 or early 2015 the majority of adults will get their information from social networks rather than search engines and that social networks will become the primary source of referral traffic to your website and blog. Any doubts that social networks aren’t powerful or don’t need to be prioritized in your online communications and fundraising campaigns can now be put to rest. The sooner your nonprofit can master content distribution on social networks, the more likely (and faster) your fundraising and content strategies will result in success. Nonprofits have been experimenting with mobile and social networks for years. Sadly many of them do not fully understand how social networks are different from traditional online communications and fundraising, and consequently nonprofits are making many mistakes that are hampering their success.

READ THIS FULL ARTICLE HERE: http://www.nptechforgood.com/2014/09/14/9-must-know-best-practices-for-distributing-your-nonprofits-content-on-social-networks/