Real Estate Social Media Compliance goes several layers deep and they are all extremely important.
Compliance starts at your company level. What company do your sell real estate for? Most all major real estate companies have their own social media advertising policies that all agents must abide by.
In what state are you licensed to conduct real estate business? Each state has their own policies issued by their specific Association.
Every state recognizes the National Association as the ultimate code for conducting real estate business.
Everyday across the US Agents, and sad to say, some Brokers are violating online digital advertising policies. Many times, it is not their fault. Perhaps they have hired a general social media agency that does not know anything about these policies or codes. It is possible they do not know about the fair housing act and what kind of words can be considered discriminatory. Innocently writing property descriptions can land an Agent or Broker in hot water.
Most general social media companies do not know what RESPA or the Fair Housing Act is.
They also do not know what Broker identification is and how it is to be used.
They also are not sure how to write posts and copy in Trademark language using all Federal, State and company legal trademarks.
Most general social media companies do not know it is illegal to copy other posts or advertise properties that are not the listing of their agent client unless given permission.
They do not know how to properly disclose Broker ID in each and every single post that is advertising property for sale, lease or rent, or for personal promotion as a licensed real estate agent.
General social media companies do not know what the EHO logo looks like and how and when it must be displayed when designing posts and images for real estate agents.
They do not know when the agent logo must be used in conjunction with their corporation logo.
These are the reasons a real estate agent or Broker must seek out an experienced knowledgeable social media person to manage their online marketing and reputation.
This is why it is recommended to hire a social media company like Creative Web Concepts USA.
CEO & Founder of Creative Web Concepts USA, Shelley Costello is committed to provide superb creative social media and business branding services to entrepreneurs and business owners at an affordable price.
Shelley Costello has 17 years in marketing in the professional arena of the real estate industry. From Title Agencies, Real Estate Brokerages, Mortgage Brokers and Lenders, her expertise in bringing results are proven.
Shelley Costello is an authority on social media marketing for the real estate and mortgage industries.
Technology and social media marketing are an ever-growing marketing outlet for financial services organizations Lawyers, Insurance Companies, Real Estate Brokers/Agents, Mortgage Broker’s, Loan Officer’s and more. These industries are tapping into the power of social media for reaching the masses. They all recognize the benefits and power of using social media for business, but also with that comes the liability and risks involved. Many do not have social media policies and are not aware of the agencies and organizations that have stringent regulations and legal issues from careless handling or mishandling of technology.
Contact us today for more information about your real estate social media marketing.