3 Reasons Why You Should Not Use Auto Posting Software for Social Media Marketing

autoThe number one reasons brands and business owners are not seeing the results they want from social media is because they are doing social media without the social and they are not doing social media marketing.

I personally feel that using 3rd party auto posting service platforms to publish to different social media sites is a pretty bad idea. Here are three reasons why.

  1. Ff you’re trying to build your personal or corporate brand online by using social media, you want to be real and authentic.  When you use posting software to do your posts, you’re sending the opposite message of I can’t be here so here is an auto post. It takes out the right now spontaneous real authentic conversations that should be happening as if you were  in a social setting. Your posts show up with a label underneath that states “via hootsuite” or whatever auto service you are using.
  2. Your posts may not make sense for all social media sites. If you make a tweet, one that uses #hashtags and @replies, for example, and then automatically send that tweet to LinkedIn, it will look like it does not belong. The same thing you Tweet is not the same content that you share across all platforms. When you post a nice photo image on Facebook it goes to Twitter as nothing just your hashtags and the Twitter post reads “I just posted a new photo on Facebook.” That doe snot make sense.
  3. When you send out aggregate posts, unless you’re aggregating what comes in as well, you won’t be as responsive as you should be when participating in social networking. If you send your tweet to Facebook, and someone replies to your Facebook post, are you going to be watching Facebook in order to reply to this post in a suitable amount of time? Timing and monitoring is very important to social media success.

copyright 2014 Shelley Costello